Friday, December 31, 2010
Friday, December 24, 2010
Friday, December 17, 2010
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Friday, October 8, 2010
N's over :D
N's are finally over :D
Had Science paper 1 it was easy, after that had break. Paper 2 was okay. After the paper Mama Thiru asked me whether I can get A anot. Stayed back to study with Olivia, Yamuna, Khusbu and Emberleen came studied Ebs together. Ebs paper was quite easy.
Had Science paper 1 it was easy, after that had break. Paper 2 was okay. After the paper Mama Thiru asked me whether I can get A anot. Stayed back to study with Olivia, Yamuna, Khusbu and Emberleen came studied Ebs together. Ebs paper was quite easy.
Went back to school for maths with Kim Gek, Emberleen, Yamuna, Jacqueline and Madeline.
Cpa theory paper was easy. Screwed maths paper 1 what i studied nver come out :(
Morning went Cp macs for breakfast with Kim Gek, after that went back school for maths. Only Patricia, Kim Gek and I came. Studied until 12.30pm went Cp Ljs with Kim Gek and Pei Ling for lunch then slack at Cp.
Maths paper 2 was much easier than paper 1. After maths paper 2 stayed back with Emberleen and Yamuna. Went Rm kfc for lunch, something happened there. Went back to school as Emberleen still got food studies paper. Slack in sch with Yamuna while waiting for her to finish her paper.
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Last Teacher's Day Celebration In SJC
Happy Teacher's Day to all teacher's out there (:
Although it is not easy to teach our class cause sometimes we talk , don't to do homework etc none of you gave up on us and still perserve to teach us. Thanks for being there for us when we need you help <3
Thank you teachers: Mrs Thiru, Mrs Goh, Mrs Soh, Mdm See, Miss Teo, Mr Sharizan, Pan lao shi, Mr Chang, Mrs Gay, Miss Tan, Mr Wilson and Mrs Tan.
My beloved Npcc teacher officers: Miss Ong, Miss Joyce Teo, Mrs Goh, Mr Choo and Mr Vicknesh.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Morning assembly in hall. Maths for 2 periods, retest on prelims paper. PE, Mr Wilson joined no ball gang half way during the game end up our group still won :D Cpa, check answers for theory paper after that played survivor. Rule of the game : The whole class got to stand up to answer the question by being the fastest to put up your hand when you answer correctly you can get to save 2 person to sit down with you or sabo 2 person who sit earlier. Recess. Eng, go through worksheet corrections and compo . Mrs Tan not feeling well, she said: Who talk somemore, she will walk out from class and nver come back. Assembly, visitors from Arigua and Barbuda. After that walked to Cp macs for lunch with Kim Gek. Home sweet home.
Morning assembly in ct venue. Chi did paper. Ebs did paper. Recess. Sci, Mrs Thiru got to leave early so she gave us worksheet to do. Maths, did paper. After that PE didn't play, got cramp :(
Friday, August 13, 2010
Prelims Over :D
Long time since i last updated.
Busy studying for Prelims.
Prelims are finally over, next 'N' Level.
Maths paper 2 on wednesday it was okay.
Yesterday meet Kim Gek in the bus then off to Rm macs for breakfast.
Had Cpa Theory paper it was easy :D
After that had break, Cpa pratical paper was okay.
Today last paper ! :D
Chi paper 1 and listening compre was easy :D
Ended at 9.45am after that stayed backed in school with Kim Gek.
12pm went Rm Ljs for lunch, went back school slack until 2.10pm.
Home sweet home.
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Meet Kim Gek at void deck then off to school. Eng paper 1 was okay. Recess. Eng paper 2 was okay. After that stayed back in school with Kim Gek until 2.10pm. Home sweet home. 6.30pm revise for maths paper 1 until 9.45plus. Use com until 10.45pm, sleep.
Meet Kim Gek at void deck then off to school. Maths paper 1 was hard :( Recess. Eng listening compre was easy :D Stay back in school library with Kim Gek until 2.10pm. Home sweet home. 7.50pm study ebs until 9.30pm. Slack. Study ebs until 10pm sleep.
Meet Kim Gek at void deck then off to school. Ebs paper was okay. Stayed back for Science remedial. After science remidial, stayed back in school with Kim Gek and Thulasi until 2.10pm. Home sweet home. 7pm study sci until 9.50pm use com. Use com until 10.45pm sleep.
Meet Kim Gek in the bus, off to Rm macs for brekfast. Meet Emberleen and Yamuna in the canteen. Went up Ct venue, study science. Science paper 1 was easy for me :D Recess, studied for Science paper 2. Science paper 2 was okay. After that, stayed back in school with Kim Gek, Olivia, Samantha and Thulasi. 2.30pm home sweet home. Use com until 4.25pm, nap. Woke up, shower. Ate dinner.
Friday, July 30, 2010
5 batteries retest
Woke up, use com tweet. Shower, use com tweet. Changed, use com until 6.35am. Walked to bustop, waited for bus until 7am. Took 119, off to meet Kim Gek. Ebs, mark practice paper. Pe Mr Khalis took Kim Gek, Shakinah and I did 5 batteries retest. Sit up: 31 Sbj: 158cm. Sit & Reach 36cm. Ipu: 3. Finally managed to do 3 :D Shuttle run forget what is my timing already but pass :D After that, went for dance, hate the dance instructor. Recess. Maths. Eng pratice paper 2. After school, buy lunch with Kim Gek. Home sweet home. Changed, use com tweet. Ate lunch. Use com until 4pm, nap. Woke up at 6.30pm. Shower, ate dinner. Currently updating blog, fb and listening to song.
Wont be updating often as prelims starting on monday.
Woke up, use com tweet. Shower, use com tweet. Changed, use com until 6.35am go bustop. Board the bus, waited for Kim Gek at the void deck. Off to school, chi did practice paper. Ebs did practice paper. Recess. Science. Maths. Pe had health talk, after that played captain's ball. Maths supplementary lessons with Mdm See after sch, Emberleen, Kim Gek, Olivia, Khusbu and Patricia came too. Ended at 3.40pm, off to Cp with Kim Gek. Slack awhile, she accompained me to Bk for my dinner. After that she accompained me to interchange, wait for bus then she leave. Board the bus, home sweet home. Use com awhile, shower. Use com until 7pm, study ebs until 8pm. Watched Ninja Warrior until 9 use com tweet. Off to watch No Limits until 10pm sleep.
Woke up, use com tweet. Shower, use com . Changed, use com until 7am. Go bustop, board the bus meet Kim Gek inside the bus. Off to Rm macs for breakfast. Finished eating, went Cheers. Saw Phoebe and Shamini at there, after that saw Gayaithiri and Rohini walked in to school together. Maths. Cd. Maths. English. Recess, Emberleen, Jacqueline and I tried the Chicken Spagethi. Cpa did theory. Cxt no teacher came in. Walked to Cp with Kim Gek, Phoebe and Vanitha. Reached Cp, went Breadtalk buy bread with Kim Gek. Off to library, ate cheesecake <3
Slack awhile, went buzz with Kim Gek. After that, accompained her foodcourt eat her lunch. Went Popular, bought marker. 4.30pm she followed me to interchange, board the bus. Home sweet home. Changed, chatted with Kim Gek on the phone. Nap. Woke up, use com tweet. Shower, eat dinner. Use com until 8.40pm. 9 watch No Limits until 10pm sleep.
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Woke up, use com tweet. Shower, change. Use com until 6.35am go bustop wait for bus. 7am reached void deck wait for Kim Gek to come then off to school. Lessons as usual, maths get back class test mark . I passed ! :D English. Recess. Chi teacher nver come. Science had test as usual. 1.15pm leave the class for lunch, after that had chi oral. The reading was okay except the conversation part. After that, slack in school awhile. Off to Cp, bought waffle then home sweet home. Change, nap. Woke up, shower. Ate dinner, do Cpa hw. Use com until 8.40pm. 9pm watch No Limits until 10pm sleep.
Woke up, use com tweet. Shower, change. Use com until 6.40am go bustop wait for bus. 7.15am reached void deck. Not long later, Kim Gek arrived. Off to school, lessons as usual. Maths. Pe played captain's ball. Cpa theory. Recess. English, did listening compre. Assembly, boring ! After school, Kim Gek and I followed Phoebe wait for her bus to come. After that went Cp Kfc for lunch, ate already went back school. Slack and study. 4.30pm i went home . Reached home, change. Use com awhile, shower. Ate dinner.
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Farewell Night
Woke up, use com. Shower, change. Use com until 6.35am, off to bustop. Waited for Kim Gek at the void deck, she reached at 7.20am. Then off to school, ebs did filing cause i completed my ebs coursework, den went out of com lab to do practice paper with Olivia and Emberleen. A few minutes later, Farah Jie, Patricia and Jasmine came out too. Pe half the class gave letters, oh yea Mr Chang came up he throw all the letters. Those failers went to hall to do pumping etc. My class so little people left me, Kim Gek, Shamini, Rohini, Thulasi and Nathini. Kim Gek and I did pumping while the rest escape. After that, went out of the hall. Slack, nver play captain's ball watched the sec5s play. Recess. Maths had class test, after that did worksheet. Eng Mrs Tan nver come did worksheet, Mrs Bala came our class something happened. After school, went canteen with Yamuna and Emberleen. After that they left, went outside level 1 staff room wait for Kim Gek until 3pm. Went bustop, wait for bus then home sweet home. Use com, shower. Kim Gek came my house slack awhile, den off to Hgmall Subway for dinner. After that, she followed me to interchange to top up ez-link card. Den off to sch bustop, waited for Sam and Thulasi to come, went in to sch. After that 6.50pm plus waited for Rohini at the guard post there. Farewell night started, alot of my seniors came back. Thanks everyone for making the farewell night successful. Thanks for the gifts juniors, squadmates, seniors and ma'am. Greatly appreciated (:
2.4km run retest
Woke up, on com tweet. Shower, change etc. Off to Kovan bustop wait for Kim Gek, took mrt to Cp. Ate at macs, went interchange wait for bus. Off to school, maths. CD. Maths, after maths almost half the class went outside Mdm Tan counselling room, to take food to eat. While me, Emberleen, Yamuna and Olivia went up to eng class. Saw Mr Khalis while walking up, he wished me and Yamuna good luck for 2.4. (: Eng did worksheet. Recess. Cpa did practice papers on theory. Cxt went library. After that went canteen with Kim Gek and Yamuna bought food and drinks. Waited for cab outside sch bustop, not long later Jessica came out of sch. She happened to be going Hgmall so she took cab with us, she alighted at Hgmall while Kim Gek, Yamuna and I alighted at Hougang Stadium. Reached there at 3pm, saw a few sec5a ppl there too. 3.45pm some of the pe teachers came, warm up. Started running, 6 rounds. Omg my timing deprove from 15mins 43secs to 16mins plus. :( Position 12. After running 5th rounds, my leg got blister already, so slowed down. Thanks Mr Khalis for your support! (: After running, waited for Kim Gek and Yamuna to finish their run. Home sweet home. Slack awhile, use com. Shower, ate dinner. Use com, do eng homework & cpa paper. Revise for maths test. 9pm watch No Limits until 10pm. Sleep.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Woke up, use com tweet. Shower, use com tweet. Change, use com tweet. Use com until 6.35am, go bustop wait for bus. Bus came, board the bus off to void deck wait for Kim Gek, 7.15plus she told me she still waiting for taxi, went to school first. Maths. English did compo. Recess. Chinese practiced oral. Sci had test, after that ate mama Thiru chocolate cupcake (: After school, stayed back for maths with Kim Gek, Emberleen, Yamuna, Olivia & Patricia. Went off at 4pm with Kim Gek. Hsh, changed. Nap, wake up shower. Ate dinner, revise maths. After that use com until 9pm watched No Limits until 10pm. Came online, tweet etc use until 10.30pm sleep.
Woke up, use com tweet. Shower, use com tweet. Change, use com tweet. Use com until 6.35am, go bustop wait for bus. Bus came, board the bus off to void deck wait for Kim Gek. Finally she arrived on time, off to school. Maths. Pe played captain's ball. Cpa did practice paper on theory. Recess. English. Assembly on Racial Harmony Day until 1.30pm. Np meeting, walked to Cp with Kim Gek, kfc for lunch. Off to school, saw Olivia & Samantha at canteen so stayed back with them leave at 4.30pm. Hsh, changed. Use com a while, nap. Woke up, shower. Ate dinner, do sci hw. Use com.
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Woke up, shower. Listen song, go bustop meet Kim Gek. Board the bus, off to Rm macs for breakfast. Eat finished already, followed Kim Gek to Cheers. Then walk in to school with Kim Gek and Emberleen, meet Bella mei and Cherie mei pass them their burger. Maths. Cd. Maths. Eng Mrs Tan nver come. Recess. Cpa Mrs Gay nver come. Cxt. Went home straight after school, change. Ate lunch, nap. Woke up, shower. Use com tweet den eat dinner. Do maths paper, use com until 9pm watch No Limits until 10pm. Slept at 10.30pm.
Woke up, use com tweet. Shower, changed. Use com until 6.35am, walked to bustop. Board the bus, wait for Kim Gek at the void deck. Off to school, ebs coursework. Pe boring! Running again for those who failed. After running, had to do push up and balance our body. Watched the sec5s played Captain's ball. Recess. Maths quiz was okay. Eng did paper 2. Walked to Cp with Kim Gek, had lunch at Kfc. Then off to library slack awhile, den go interchange wait for bus alone. Hsh. Use com, shower. Waited for bus, saw Door twinny at Hougang Plaza. Off to meet Kim Gek outside sch bustop. Went in school, slack awhile. Off to Rm for dinner, went back sch for night study with Kim Gek, did ebs worksheet until 8.30pm. Left school walked to 7-11 bought drinks, waited for the bus to come. Hsh, wash up. Watched No Limits until 10pm. Use com until 11.05pm, listen song until 11.20pm sleep.
Thursday, July 15, 2010
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